The first “Dead Space” remake game trailer is still a surprise

The first gameplay trailer for the upcoming “Dead Space” remake has finally been released, and I can tell you this. This is definitely Dead Space.
The original “Dead Space” is 14 years old, but in my mind, it looks just like this new video. The enemies, the environment, the ever-so-convenient (and clichéd) “cut off a limb” written in dirty blood on the wall. But clearly, we’ve come a long way. The original version didn’t look bad, but it has certainly aged.
The remastered version looks much better, with many technical improvements, including an “intensity director” that dynamically adjusts objects, enemies, environmental effects, and even Isaac’s physical reactions. Gone are the loading screens; Ishimura, where Dead Space is located, is one fully interconnected environment. Isaac’s weapons can now slash enemies with ultra-precision as “layers of flesh, tendon, and bone snap, rip, and shatter in amazing new ways.”
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The first “Dead Space” remake game trailer is still a surprise最先出现在PurpleBlue。
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