Chainsaw Man Episode 3:Meowy’s Whereabouts

Makima warns him not to kill Public Hunter’s demon because Public Safety will convict him of obstruction. Makima explains Power’s demon bloodline to Denji, who believes that Power is not the right person for the job. Surprised, Power accuses Denzi and a heated argument ensues. Makima tells them that he just wants them to get along.
Power tells Makima that she has fallen into Makima’s clutches and tries to get Mavey back. She is willing to abide by any human rule as long as it means she has a chance to save her pet. Bauer makes a deal with Danz. He offers to let her give him a breast rub if she helps him get Mewi back. Denzi accepts and plans to murder the demon holding MeeWee hostage.
At Public Security headquarters, Power gets permission to go out with Denji. Power tells Denji where the demon is and tells him that he is the only one who can fight it. The two talk about their pets. Denji brings up Pochita, but Power brings up that Pochita is dead. Denzi begins to worry if she and Power will get along well. Meanwhile, Makemake meets a group of gentlemen in suits who are unhappy with the rest of Japan.
Denzi points out to Denzi the house of the man who captured Mei Wei, and the two casually walk there. Denzi says she doesn’t want to be a chainsaw guy because she doesn’t want to be bloodthirsty. Dali is puzzled, but thinks Danz is bluffing when she says she has psychic powers.
Near the demon’s house, Denzie becomes suspicious of the situation and stops. He sees through Power’s lies and tries to attack him, but Power knocks him out. Power praised Denji’s keen instincts and dragged him into the house.
In the house, he encounters a bat demon that holds Mavey captive. The bat demon mocks Power, who complains that it took him so long to get free because he needed someone to help him. She reveals that she promised the bat demon a human in exchange for Meewee’s freedom. Bat-Demon informs Dange that the demon hunter wounded him and forced him into hiding.
The demon needs human blood to heal itself. When it sucks Denji’s blood, it finds that the blood tastes bad, even though parts of his body have been revived. The bat demon plans to use the blood of children in the city to purify his taste buds. Denji recalls Hayakawa’s confusion about Denji’s desire to make friends with the demon. Dali orders the bat-demon to free Mavey, but the bat-demon refuses her because it hates Danzie’s blood.
Power recalls her time with the cat while she was being eaten by the bat demon. One night, while Power and Mewi are resting on the roof, a bat demon appears, covered in blood. At this point, Power and Dange promise to free Mewi. As the bat demon drinks him down, Power assumes Danzie’s feelings about losing Pochita. The bat demon travels to the city in search of children, virgins, muscular men and pregnant women.
Somehow, Denji manages to grab the Bat-Demon’s leg. Before the two fight, Denji remembers his time with Pochita as a child and connects it to Power’s obsession with Mewi. When Denji and the Bat-Demon crash into a building in the city, Denji turns into a chainsaw man. Denz and Bat-Demon take their fight to the streets. Denzi notices the pedestrians and warns them to run.
Denzi discovers that the chainsaw retracts. The Bat-Demon blasts Denzi with a sonic boom and thinks he has won. However, Denji emerges from the rubble shooting and scaring the bat demon. The episode ends with Denji delivering the final blow to the Bat-Demon and striking a heroic pose.
Chinese Version
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